The point of departure for this work is ‘Le Drapeau Noir’ (Black Flag), a relatively unknown painting by the Belgian surrealist René Magritte, which the artists came across during their research on art related to the Spanish Civil War. Produced in 1937, the canvas is said to have been inspired by the bombing of Gernika. It features a number of futuristic airplanes ominously hanging above the horizon. Like props from a science fiction movie, they seem to foreshadow the drones and satellites that circle our planet today, pointing towards a fundamental aspect of this historical moment: the way technological progress in aviation would forever alter humankind’s relation to territory.

Jaio and van Gorkum have manufactured three-dimensional models of these airplanes.

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The Archaeological Museum of Bilbao and ANTespacio present “False Flag”, an exhibition with new work by the artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum.

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El 21 de octubre 2021, a las 19:30, Onder de Vleugel (Bajo el Ala) formará parte de una doble sesión de cine en el Civivox ITURRAMA de Pamplona. Organizado por Mapamundistas. La sesión es gratuita con inscripción previa.

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Nire ama Roman hil da (My mother died in Rome)' will be shown at ‘Complexo Colosso – parte II’. For this second part of the exhibition, the curator Ángel Calvo Ulloa invites new artists to interpret the meanings of the unusual colossal statue found in one of the entrances to the city of Guimarães. Diego Vites, Carme Nogueira, the duo Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum and the collective Pizz Buin join the group of artists who challenge the fictional account of Colosso and the very idea of origin.

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More than 450 artists spread over more than 50 studio complexes in Rotterdam will open their doors to the public during the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend. You are welcome to visit us in our studio at the Ackersdijkstraat 20.

September 25 and 26
From 11.00 to 17.00
@ Ackersdijkstraat 20, 3037 VH, Rotterdam


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The San Telmo Museum in San Sebastian has announced that Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum have been selected by the artist Jose Mari Zabala to succeed him in the Museo Bikoitza programme.

Museo Bikoitza is a programme of annual interventions in the museum by a guest artist. The aim is to provide a favourable environment for a series of re-readings of the collection and museographical story by different artists. The result of this work will form part of the exhibition programme for a year, before finally being added to the museum’s art collection. 

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We have invited a special guest to present his work in our studio during Expanding the Frame: Jose Mari Zabala, a Basque artist and veteran of experimental filmmaking whose practice spans more than fifty years.

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Expanding the Frame is a self-initiated exhibition by the Ackersdijkstraat 20 studio complex to celebrate the start of summer and the lifting of the corona restrictions. Cinema is the red thread that will run through the great diversity of artistic practices in the studio complex during this event. The artists and some specially invited guests will present their work using cinematographic elements such as time, movement, narration, light, sound or scenography. The exhibition is free to visit on the 3rd and 4th of July 2021.

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The Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid has acquired our video "Marea, or the ecological disaster as a cultural and political phenomenon".

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Both the Artium Museum - Center for Contemporary Art in Vitoria-Gasteiz, and the Fine Art Museum in Bilbao have acquired the series of lithographies that we have printed at La Taller. The lithos are based on the drawings of mountain landscapes we produced while exploring military positions from the Spanish Civil War in Basque Country.

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