Op het stadhuis in Breda, net buiten de trouwzalen, hangt een beroemd schilderij. Het is te zien op de achtergrond van honderden foto’s die er na het voltrekken van de huwelijken worden gemaakt.

De kunstenaars Iratxe Jaio en Klaas van Gorkum hebben een oproep gedaan aan de inwoners van Breda om in hun albums op zoek te gaan naar zulke foto’s, en ze in te sturen voor een grote, gezamenlijke tentoonstelling. Het resultaat van de vele inzendingen is te zien in Nieuwe Veste tijdens de Bredase Maand van de Geschiedenis.

Op 4 oktober geven de kunstenaars Jaio en Van Gorkum een lezing in Stedelijk Museum Breda. Ze vertellen over hun project dat ze op uitnodiging van Witte Rook uitvoeren, waarin ze op zoektocht gaan naar de achtergronden van de kopieën van het schilderij van Velázquez. De lezing in het auditorium is toegankelijk met een kaartje voor het museum. Monique Rakhorst, conservator oude kunst van het museum, zal bij de lezing aanwezig zijn om een historisch perspectief op het doek te geven.

1 oktober - 31 oktober 2024:
- Tentoonstelling in de Nieuwe Veste, Molenstraat 6, 4811 GS Breda.
4 oktober 15:00:
- Lezing door Iratxe Jaio en Klaas van Gorkum in het Stedelijk Museum Breda
11 oktober 19:00:
Opening in de Nieuwe Veste

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Welcome to the fifth edition of the Groot Rotterdams Atelier Weekend (GRAW) on September 21 and 22, 2024!

Many years ago, we explored the ruins of an abandoned porcelain factory. Under a thick layer of soil, vines and weeds, we discovered the original plaster molds from which the tableware was cast. After carefully cleaning and drying the molds, we tried to put them back into production.

Would you like to see the results? Come and visit our studio in the weekend of September 21 and 22, at Ackersdijkstraat 20, in Rotterdam.

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We are honoured to announce our participation in Ten Thousand Suns, the 24th edition of the Biennale of Sydney, curated by Inti Guerrero and Cosmin Costinas. The Biennale has commissioned us to produce a new series of sculptures for the installation False Flag.

These sculptures are inspired by the surrealistic warplanes painted by René Magritte in 1937, when he learned of the Nazi bombardement of the Basque town Guernica. They will be displayed together with a video in which the mountains surrounding Guernica play the main role. Read more about this project here.

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"Atlas of a Paper Empire" will be on display in the exhibition 1 SQUARE METER by the 004-collective, at Borgerstraat Studios 2-4 February 2024. This work was produced for the San Telmo ethnographic museum in Donostia-San Sebastian in 2022, and became part of its collection afterwards. It consists of a computer program that animates random trajectories through ultra-high definition digitized images of the museum's archive of antique maps, which are then projected onto a handbound volume filled with empty pages.

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The contemporary art platform Witte Rook, together with the Stedelijk Museum Breda, invites the artistic couple formed by Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum to investigate the vestiges of the shared history between Holland and Spain.

Their project takes as starting point three copies of the painting “Las Lanzas” by Diego Velázquez: one made by Kees Maks in 1903, another by Frans Hogerwaard in 1912 and the third one, painted by Fernando Coll in 1931.

Although at first glance the images they represent are very similar to each other, they fulfill very different functions. By focusing on these differences, the artists hope to shed light on the fluidity of these images and the different, sometimes contradictory, narratives they support.

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The installation False Flag will be part of the exhibition What we have left to talk about at the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Santiago, Chile. Within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the coup d'état in Chile, this exhibition proposes a display of alternative narratives, dialogues and reflections on the memory of the dictatorships in Chile and Spain based on works by contemporary artists from both countries. The exhibition is a a sounding board where the elements of the present, the past and the prefiguration of the future reverberate in a framework that challenges our own configuration of the world and leads us to continue acting from new spaces of meaning.

Artists: Núria Güell (ESP), Irene de Andrés (ESP), Alán Carrasco (ESP), Mauricio Toro Goya (CHL), Celeste Rojas Mugica (ARG-CHL), Lorenzo Sandoval (ESP), Alexis Díaz (CHL), Amaia Molinet (ESP), Eriz Moreno (ESP), Art al Quadrat (ESP), Carolina Astudillo (ESP-CHL), Claudio Correa (CHL), Iratxe Jaio + Klaas van Gorkum (ESP-NLD), Manuel Correa (COL-ESP), Oficina de investigación documental (ESP), Fernando Sánchez Castillo (ESP), Marco Godoy (ESP), Noelia Pérez Sández (ESP), Paula Rubio Infante (ESP).

Curating: Soledad Aguirre (CHL).

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Kom de opening van GRAW23 met ons vieren, in ons ateliercomplex Ackersdijkstraat 20, vrijdag 15 September 2023 tussen 17:00-21:00!

Met concerten, performance, eten en drinken geven we het startschot voor een weekend waarin meer dan 800 Rotterdamse kunstenaars hun atelier open stellen voor publiek. Zie deze link voor meer informatie over het programma: https://www.grootrotterdamsatelierweekend.nl/special/feestelijke-opening...

Op de dagen daarna, zaterdag en zondag, leiden we je graag rond in ons net verbouwde atelier, en presenteren we je "Das Russendenkmal" - een nieuwe serie aquarellen die we deze zomer in de Zwitserse Alpen hebben geproduceerd.

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We have been selected for an artists' residency in the Swiss Alps, at Kunstdepot Göschenen. The scenery is breathtaking, and we look forward to being inspired by this violent landscape. Thanks also to the Mondriaan Foundation, for making our stay possible!

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Together with students of the new Master in Practice and Theory in Contemporary Arts and Culture at the UPV/EHU and Azkuna Zentroa, we have worked on the contents of a Time Capsule that will remain sealed for a thousand years.

It contains artefacts of the present, selected by Xabier Barrutia Abalia, Miren Bayona, Ekain, Paula Cárcamo Carrera, Victor Díez Bildosola, Juanita Puñales, Sabin Fígaro, Koldo Gutiérrez, Edurne Iriondo Plaza, Arantzazu Luzarraga Iturrioz, Lucía Meyiro, Iñaki Olarra, Alfredo Olarra, Jesús Mª Platón Cabello, Manuela Varona, Kaizen Vegas and Juan Viedma Vega.

A detailed inventory of its contents has been created to leave a record of its existence outside the box. In this way, participants reflect on their role as authors in the transformation of cultural codes over time and on the relationship between object, image and text.

This inventory will be on display during Prototipoak, Biennial of New Artistic Forms in Azkuna Zentroa, after which the Time Capsule will be sealed and hidden in a niche of the atrium of the building.

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Reverse Archaelogy 43°15’35”N2°56’14.9”W is a Time Capsule that will be hermetically sealed as a testimony to the current ecological and historical moment. It contains a selection of objects gathered by students of the Master in Practice and Theory in Contemporary Arts and Culture at the UPV/EHU and Azkuna Zentroa. During a workshop of ten days, they reflected on their role as authors in the transformation of cultural codes over time and on the relationship between object, image and text.

A detailed inventory of their contributions will be exhibited in the Exhibition Hall of Azkuna Zentroa during Prototipoak, Biennial of New Artistic Forms. A printed catalogue will also be distributed, in order to leave a record of the Time Capsule's contents outside the box.

On the 2nd of June, the Time Capsule will be handed over to the care of Azkuna Zentroa, and placed into a niche of the central atrium, where it will remain hidden from sight and unopened for a thousand years.

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