El Gobierno Vasco ha publicado recientemente una monografía sobre nuestro trabajo con información sobre proyectos realizados entre el 2001 y el 2011, Incluye un texto de Iñaki Martínez de Albéniz en colaboración con Gabriel Villota y una entrevista realizada por Leire Vergara. Miren Jaio se ha encargado de la coordinación y Gorka Eizagirre ha realizado el diseño. Contacte con nosotros si desea una copia.

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Presentación de la publicación 'Amikejo', Martes 22 Mayo, 20h en Múltiplos (c/ Lleó 6, Barelona).

La publicación acompaña al ciclo expositivo 'Amikejo' que tuvo lugar a lo largo del 2011 en el Laboratorio 987 del Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León (MUSAC), con exposiciones de Pennacchio Argentato; Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum; Uqbar (Irene Kopelman & Mariana Castillo Deball) y Fermín Jiménez Landa & Lee Welch.

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An exhibition at Het Wilde Weten, curated by Alba Colomo. With Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Kim Bouvy and Left Hand Rotation. Only 15.05.2012 during De Derde Dinsdag

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“It is a privilege to perform this transfer of sovereignty in the face of history, or rather: in the presence of God, who alone knows why this union in freedom was not achieved earlier nor later, and who knows of the generations' failures, but who also sees how we may serve the plan for the progress of mankind."

Queen Wilhelmina in 1949

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On National Liberation Day 2012, the former Van Heutsz Monument has been unveiled for the third time in its history. This time by spoken word artist Olympia Latupeirissa. At this occasion, she gave a rendering of the speech Foute Keuzes, which she developed together with the artists Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum. In the speech, the public is invited to repossess the monument as a battleground for ideological conflicts. The poet took the lead, by claiming the statue for the unresolved issue of the treatment of the Moluccans by the Dutch government.
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From the 28th of March to the 6th of April 2012, we gave a workshop at MASS Alexandria, Egypt, in collaboration with Elke Uitentuis. During this workshop, we focused on the concept of pre-enactment. The unstable transition period Egypt is in right now causes a lot of uncertainty, but also openings for new images of the future. This future could be the one we hope for, or its opposite, a dystopian vision of what is to come. The question is how we, as artists, can contribute to the development of a certain shared vision, a horizon to strive for. By enacting future scenarios in the present, the current politics of our daily lives will be put into another perspective. The goal of pre-enacting is to draw parallels and stimulate discussion on the proposals presented.

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On March 2 and 3, an Occupy inspired campaign will take place in the Jan van Galen neighbourhood. Occupy Campaign is not selling anything, nor is it a political party. Occupy Campaign aims to bring politics back to their source: to the neighbourhood and the street. Watch the video below:

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In this interview with Afterall's Paula Barriobero, Jaio and van Gorkum discuss notions of communities, social and activist practices and some of their projects, as well as their recent experiences at Occupy Amsterdam.

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A short fragment of video from the Police Training
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'De hoorzittingen zijn een vergrootglas op het proces van democratisering. Je legt alles bloot, ook de pijnpunten. De Occupy’ers zijn positief over de gesprekken. Het heeft ook een therapeutische functie: mensen zijn moe en wij luisteren naar ze.' Uiteindelijk willen de kunstenaars een compilatie maken van de twintig gesprekken en die op internet zetten. 'We leven in een WikiLeaks-tijd: we willen mensen toegang geven tot de kennis die hier vergaard is.'
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