August 2016

Libro de los Plagios - Formas de apoyarse en obra ajena

The "Libro de los Plagios" (Book of Plagiarism) is a booklet that has been printed for distribution during an exhibition of a series of large charcoal drawings, and which mimics the style and content of a book originally published by the Basque sculptor Jorge Oteiza in 1991, which has gone out of print.

Libro de los Plagios (Book of Plagiarism)

Carboncillos basados en las imágenes del Libro de los Plagios

A series of charcoal drawings, based on the images from the "Libro de los Plagios" (The Book of Plagiarism). This book was published in 1991 by the Basque sculptor Oteiza, as an indictment of what he perceived to be a flagrant plagiarism of his work.