oktober 2019

11th Biennial of art Leandre Cristòfol

We are participating in the 11th Art Biennial of Leandre Cristòfol in Centre d'Art La Panera, Lleida.

From 27 October until 29 December 2019
Opening: Sunday 27 October 12:00 - 15:00

Curated by: David Armengol, Cèlia del Diego and Julia Morandeira.

Artists: Mercedes Azpilicueta, David Bestué, Lúa Coderch, Joana Escoval, Ariadna Guiteras, Iratxe Jaio & Klaas van Gorkum, Martin Llavaneras, Pere Llobera, La Más Bella, María Salgado, Mireia Sallarès and Daniel Steegmann Mangrané.

The Porous Stone

Iratxe has been commissioned by eremuak to write the long-form essay "The porous stone", in which she reflects on the agency of the object in relation to our artistic practice, taking as a reference our work on the reproduction of an abandoned memorial stone dedicated to three Nazi soldier who died in the Spanish Civil War.

The cahier will be presented in Bilbao on october 17 2019, during the Eremuak Sessions 2019: 'Naturaleza/s' at Azkuna Zentroa.

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Read an excerpt from the introduction

Lithography at La Taller, Bilbao

La Taller opens the cultural season with a new exhibition format. From 11 to 20 October we will be working alongside with Maite Martínez de Arenaza on a series of lithographs, based on the drawings of mountain landscapes we produced this summer while exploring historical military positions in the Basque Country. At the same time we will display a sculpture based on the reproduction of a Nazi monument dedicated to three German soldiers from the infamous Condor Legion, that had been standing neglected beside a road in the countryside for all these years.