
The Resilient Artist

The Social Experiment collective (which comprises Wouter Osterholt, Elke Uitentuis, Klaas van Gorkum, Iratxe Jaio and Jonas Staal) organised a three-day experiment at the invitation of Studium Generale. To increase artists’ resilience, police academy lecturers held classes for participants at ArtEZ Enschede’s academy building. The aim here was to...
Autor: Alex van der Hulst
Date published: 01/11/2011
Published in: Artez Fact No 3.
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Metropolis M - Artists in Occupy Amsterdam

In deze biotoop van de algehele shake-up van politieke en sociaal-economische sjablonen is de kunstenaarsaanwezigheid meer dan op zijn plaats. De kunstenaars van Artists in Occupy Amsterdam worden gedreven door het idee dat kunst en de samenleving nauw verwant zijn, er een symbiose tussen kunst en maatschappij bestaat.
Autor: Jack Segbars
Date published: 01/11/2011
Published in: Metropolis M
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La producción del valor y sus condiciones

En última instancia, la obra consiste precisamente en la iluminación y el cuestionamiento de una serie de procesos productivos, y no en la glorificación del resultado concreto de tales procesos. Frente a la estetización de lo político que esto supondría, Jaio y van Gorkum proponen una politización de lo estético, que no discurre por el fácil...
Autor: Jaime Cuenca
Date published: 17/05/2011
Published in: A*Magazine, la revista de A*DESK. Dedicada a la crítica y la reflexión sobre arte contemporaneo.
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Monthly articles for Mugalari

Between April 2010 and January 2011 we have been writing a monthly article on poltics, art and culture, for Mugalari, the cultural supplement of Basque newspaper Gara. A selection of articles can now be read online, at our new website: http://postpolitikak.org:
Autor: Iratxe Jaio, Klaas van Gorkum
Date published: 15/10/2024
Published in: Mugalari, the cultural supplement of the Gara newspaper
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Colectiva, a su pe(n)sar - Noticias de Álava

El germinado por la dupla artística Iratxe Jaio&Klaas van Gorkum se mueve en la difusa relación entre lo público y lo privado, encuadrando las subjetividades colectivas como generadoras de espacio y prácticas sociales.
Autor: David Mangana
Date published: 22/10/2009
Published in: Noticias de Álava
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Stay inside. Close windows and doors - Editorial

The shopping mall is a caricature of the Greek agora, the classical space of democracy. It surrounds the citizens with an illusion of freedom of choice, while discouraging unpredictable behaviour, effectively turning them into passive consumers of their environment. Nevertheless, as other open and multifunctional spaces in the modern city are...
Autor: Iratxe Jaio, Klaas van Gorkum
Date published: 02/06/2009
Published in: Stay inside. Close windows and doors. Consumer society and the zombie apocalypse
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Beatriz Herráez on "Meanwhile, in the living room..."

Depending on what you are after, choose an area, a more or less populous city, a more or less lively street. Build a house. Furnish it. Make the most of its decoration and surroundings. Choose the season and the time. Gather together the right people, the best records and drinks.
Autor: Beatriz Herráez
Date published: 01/09/2008
Published in: Desde aquí hasta ahí
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First prize awarded to Film as Fossil in Made in Video Festival

Film as Fossil creates a visual and auditive play with distance and doubling of gazes. The distance between sound and image, present and future, private and public, black and white, questions and answers. To bridge the distance we are invited to read new meaning into the material. A Fossil - something experienced in the past is hidden and...
Autor: Staffan Schmidt, Kassandra Wellendorf
Date published: 01/09/2006
Published in: Jury report Made in Video Festival
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At Home & Through the Window

Through the scenes in four films, Miren Jaio reflects on the family and the space it adopts as its own, the home and the role of the family institution in shaping the ever fragile and unstable boundaries between private space and public space. The text was written as an accompaniment to the drawings of "Of Mortgages and Marriages" by Iratxe Jaio...
Autor: Miren Jaio
Date published: 01/05/2006
Published in: Meanwhile, in the living room...
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Conversation with Leire Vergara about OpTV

The purpose of OpTV is to act as a window on the transformations that Transvaal is going through, connecting experiences of daily life on the ground to developments in society, and placing them within a broader framework of changing political policies. The challenge is how to achieve this without getting caught up in the problems of misguided...
Autor: Leire Vergara
Date published: 01/06/2005
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Objective mirages - Review

I couldn’t believe that anybody else could have the same story as me is the title of the exhibition by Iratxe Jaio and Klaas van Gorkum at the Uhagon Kulturgunea of Markina. This phrase, drawn from the reflections of Camilla, a woman with South Korean origins adopted by Danish parents, on her childhood memories as a different girl, reveals how...
Autor: Miren Jaio
Date published: 12/03/2005
Published in: Mugalari, the cultural supplement of the Gara newspaper
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